




Reviews by Elmer G. Wiens

Licks of Love
Reviewers and critics spend more time and effort writing reviews and critiques about movies, books, stories, plays, and videos than was spent on the thing in the first place. Tired of reading their opinions? I am. So, here is what I think about a short story by John Updike that appeared in his recent book Licks of Love.

18th Annual Vancouver Fringe Festival - 2002

I love the Vancouver Fringe Theatre Festival. It is held each year in early September. The plays and actors are bold, original, different, and sometimes disturbing - anything goes. At the Vancouver Fringe, spectators have the choice of over 100 plays - 700 performances spread over 11 days.

The Mysterious Mr Love

The Mysterious Mr Love, placed in Edwardian England, pits a conman against his apparently willing mark. Prey turns predator. Who will win?

Eve & Lilith

Modern day personifications of Lilith, Adam's first wife, and Eve, Adam's helpmate cloned from his DNA, battle it out.

Pick of the Vancouver Fringe Festival - 2002

An Evening with Beckett

Do you want to spend and evening with Samuel Beckett? Even James Joyce found this task difficult. It is interesting that while Beckett won a Nobel Prize in Literature, his mentor, Joyce, never did.


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